Friday, April 06, 2007

some belated photos of the trials held on saturday at Gaming Giants:-

from left to right
a very happy lux, 2 unknown ppl, jovi aka Rftrue, ice, (standing) dawn and shan, bryan, christine, yann, ken.

from left to right:
(seated) - bryan, lingzi, CASS (in bold cos wan demanded i add her in cos i missed her out. lol.) kelly, kimchi, cynthia aka wanderz, d4wn
(standing) - ken, shan aka flawed, dawn aka pinksheep, zilch, tammy aka furryfish, the same 2 unknown nerds.
for the record, zilch and i weren't laughing at kelly, although it may seem so. i was whispering something into his ear behind the paper and he was laughing at what i was saying. i cant remember what it was about... but likely to be about mac or something. lol! he wasnt even looking at her or her screen. OR MAYBE HE WAS!

very egames feel to the place, imo. 6 computers per row makes for a pretty interesting layout, think 5v5's with 1 at the side for the gf/bf to playo2jamsurfinternet etc.

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